Infinity Blade III: Ausar Rising już jest w App Store gry-i-aplikacje Wideo, Update, iPad, iOS 7, Infinity Blade III Ausar Rising, Gra, Apple, App Store, Aktualizacja Infinity 1300x700

Infinity Blade III: Ausar Rising już jest w App Store

Jeśli jesteście fanami Infinity Blade III, to mam dla was strasznie dobrą wiadomość. Dosłownie przed chwilą do App Store trafiła największa jak do tej pory zapowiadana już wcześniej aktualizacja gry Infinity Blade III. Uaktualnienie dostępne jest oczywiście całkowicie za darmo i wnosi na prawdę sporo zmian. Wszystkie nowości jakie pojawią się w wersji 1.2 znajdziecie poniżej.

What’s New in Version 1.2

Infinity Blade III Ausar Rising

  • Play through 3 new quests: Siris and Isa come face to face with the ultimate embodiment of evil ? a soulless Ausar the Vile!
  • Travel to where it all began ? the Dark Citadel (the original Infinity Blade I castle), Siris? home in Drem?s Maw, and the legendary Plains of Koroth.
  • Battle 9 new enemies, including a ferocious new Dragon.
  • New Mode: THE ARENA ? How long can you survive in the Arena? Do you claim your prize now, or risk it for ever increasing rewards?
  • New Hardcore Mode: DEATHLESS QUESTS ? The ultimate way for the ultimate Infinity Blade gamer to play the game!
  • Trade tips and secrets with your friends via the all-new in-game chat feature.
  • Over 60 new items for both Isa and Siris, including weapons, shields, helmets, magic rings, and armor to collect, master, and sell.
  • Unlock 8 new Skills: Remove equipped Gems for free, double Chips earned in Battle Challenges, cast super boosted Magic, and more!
  • New Goals, Potions, and Gems.
  • New Holiday Helmets for Isa and Siris.
  • Fully compatible with iOS 6 and iOS 7.
  • A number of additional balancing tweaks, bug fixes, and gameplay enhancements.
  • Optimized for the new iPad Air, iPad Mini with Retina display, and iPhone 5s: featuring full screen anti-aliasing, bloom, full screen vignettes, distortion, high resolution shadows, and environmental reflections.
  • Recommended: Update device to the latest iOS version, and restart device before playing.

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